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WordPress is a website building tool for beginners
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Making websites accessible to everyone,
without in-depth technical knowledge.

The MW-Groep is using this Site as a
Beta Test Site for WordPress

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Uptimerobot : Status Beta Test

last edited by MW-Groep on Jun25,17:00 CEST

Installed Plugins:

Burst Statistics – Privacy-Friendly Analytics for WordPressVersion 1.6.1 | By Really Simple Plugins
Colorlib Login CustomizerVersion 1.3.2 |  By Colorlib 
Complianz – Terms and ConditionsVersion 1.2.8 | By Really Simple Plugins
Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie ConsentVersion 7.1.0 | By Really Simple Plugins 
Docket CacheVersion 23.08.02 |By Nawawi Jamili 
GTranslateVersion 3.0.6 | By Translate AI Multilingual Solutions 
Solid Security BasicVersion 9.3.3 | By SolidWP
Jetpack BoostVersion 3.4.4 | By Automattic
MainWP ChildVersion 5.1 |  By MainWP
UpdraftPlus – Backup/RestoreVersion 1.24.3 |By UpdraftPlus.Com
WordPress Beta TesterVersion 3.5.5 | By WordPress Upgrade/Install Team
WP CrontrolVersion 1.16.3 | By John Blackbourn
WP Fastest CacheVersion 1.2.7 | By Emre Vona

Tested plugins that don’t work / generate an error:
